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Vocalist Linda in the middle. |
In 1979, vocalist Craig 'Trinity' Nicol, guitarist Rick Bentley, bassist Wilf Shurman and drummer James 'Jaa' Murphy formed Alternative whom many called the 'Scottish Crass' due to their importance. By 1980, one member from the band was replaced by Rodney 'Relax' Comrie and Eric 'Rice' Beveridge joined as their second vocalist.
At first, they practiced at Rick's house and then at a community center. Eventually, they got their own practice place in Dunfermline(where the band was formed) that they rented. It was known as 'The Pad' and was more of an anarcho center where like minded individuals gathered to spread ideas and play small gigs.
Alternative first came out on Crass's 'Bullshit Detector' with their track 'Change it'. This began a relationship with Crass, which led to them recording their first single 'In Nomine Patri' on Crass records in 1982. By this time, Gordon 'Gogs' had already replaced Wilf on bass, and Dougie Mchale from The Actives had joined as a second guitarist.
This started a huge tour, which gave Alternative the opportunity to meet and play with other bands such as Poison Girls, The System, The Mob and many others. During their shows, they would close with 'Where are your Hiroshimas?' while inviting audience members to come up on stage and hold banners until the song ended.
Soon after, Linda 'Linger' Rotherham joined on vocals, making Alternative a seven-piece. By the end of 1983, Alternative went through several line-up changes(their drummer left to drum for Reality Control). During the Spring of 1984, Alternative recorded the "If they Treat you like Shit, act like Manure' record and went on tour.
Several line-up changes occurred and the demo "How Dare You" was released. In 1986, after more line-up changes, the "Touch the Earth" demo was recorded. Soon after, Alternative split.
Several line-up changes occurred and the demo "How Dare You" was released. In 1986, after more line-up changes, the "Touch the Earth" demo was recorded. Soon after, Alternative split.

Where are your Hiroshimas?
When the sun rises do you see your shadow
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
Does the atomic heat dry you tears
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
Does your vision pierce their frozen minds
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
This statement of death hangs over our heads
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
Will that burning light shatter your dreams
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
Will the man on the button hear your screams
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
Does it seem so distant inevitable genocide
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
Is the future of mankind just another scare
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
When the sun sets will you see their graves
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
Where are your Hiroshimas? Where are your Hiroshimas?
"In the Silence of Awareness"
here we go again, how many times do we have to scream in the dark,
In the silence of awareness let's lay the paths to the past,
You can cherish all those expectations, but, I wont talk behind a mask
Because I'm tired of all this bigotry and hatred, were all human first,
Through the silence of awareness, there is only people and love,
Six years of struggling through the tears and joy,"In the Silence of Awareness"
here we go again, how many times do we have to scream in the dark,
In the silence of awareness let's lay the paths to the past,
You can cherish all those expectations, but, I wont talk behind a mask
Because I'm tired of all this bigotry and hatred, were all human first,
Through the silence of awareness, there is only people and love,
The physical abuse we've had to bear, but enough is enough.
Where there is arrogance and apathy we can create love,
where there is greed and conflict we can reject the bomb,
Where there us separation and barriers we can build new relationships,
Where color is no longer an excuse to release your aggression,
And love is an honor possessed by men dominant over women,
And nations separated through conditioning and patriotism,
For this is our home which should be respected not owned?
In the silence of awareness we can start again.
Struggling through the darkness, struggling through indifference,
Can't stop the bombs when the fingers on the button,
In the Silence of awareness let's see each other as people,
Not black or white or servant or master,
In the silence of awareness we can open our eyes.
I came out of the warm womb, into a world of fear and hopelessness. I was
given the gift of life, but the package of this gift was opened by someone else.
I was never given the chance to ask myself what could I do with this gift. I will
not cry or reach out for Christ's hand; he carries my guilt and my sin which
was never there. I reject this Christ;I reject the myth that holds us.
Where is this heaven you speak of? Where is this love you offer? Have I no
self - control over my thoughts? Whether I like it or not? Is my fate sealed toan endless existence binded in guilt and sin? Your cross has been worn as a
symbol of guilt for too long. How much more blood will flow in your name?
Do you seek some ultimate genocide? Must we always bear the burden of
your cross?
I seek no Christ as my savior, I must find control myself. I seek no God, No
painted idol; I'm the only one who answers to me. I ask for nothing, I owe
him nothing. His name cause the fires that raged the earth. His conditions,
his ten commandments, slip the nose around our necks. Does your word
epitomize good? Where was he when they gassed the Jews? Northern
Ireland, Hiroshima, Belsen, Auschwitz - where was he? What right has he to
share his pain? What right has he to crucify us? Forever onward Christian
soldiers, Hold up that banner so they can see Hiroshima's children. Let them
see now slaughter in the trenches. Let them see sorrow of the mothers who
lost their sons. The visions of the Christians who'll carry Christ's gun.
You manufacture our destruction; you turn your heads away. Do your
unseeing eyes carry no fear? Has the system channeled your thought's?
Reject this system. Sow the seeds of peace. Don't recognize the rules of the
power monger, for his hand shall not touch upon peace. Let no politician
make your decisions, for the only government is yourself. Reject and pacify.
Religious ranting's support this system, we're caught like flies in a spiders
web.Look to the heavens to find solutions, but you never see your Christ is
dead. Your crown of thorns, it weighs me down, distorts my vision and
burdens my mind. We're still waiting, still watching, a second coming, more
guilt to sell Armageddon, your good and evil, which is the side which speaks
for you? Good and evil possessions of all men. Good and evil is what we
must bear. Cliches of love run from the bible, backed by a negative
"Caroline's Carnival"
'Be back in five minutes,' mother warns, but the carnival's just begun,
A stranger holds her hand and shows her the merry-go-round and round,
Spinning, slowly, slowly. Faster, Faster,
Caroline's eyes shine in childish delight, faster, faster, she takes her last ride
on the merry-go-round of life.
The Carnival's over, lie down for lust, later eyes stare from a putrefying face,
what promises led you to this watery grave? Little girl's bodies used, abused,
media love it, sensation of the day, next to 'Luscious Lucy" Pornographic
dilemma while mother's tears burn.
Suburban children in a make believe world, Till one is taken for phallic
amusement. Young body torn and bleeding, But this one's a boy child,
Potential man. potential rapist is raped, media shocked in a different
dilemma, what filthy perverts enact such foul acts such as this,
Caroline's forgotten, but mother's tears burn.
Caroline's forgotten, but mother's tears burn.
Listen a while, just listen to the screams of little girl's incestuously loved, or
lying dead on the common.
Hear the sobs of battered women.
Hear the bones break.
But one little boy reaps the sympathy of millions.
He's alive isn't he. though his suffering was unjustified.
If one sexual assault is worthy of this kind of publicity, stirring anger and
disgust for this boy child's assailants, then each, and ever sexual and violent
assault should be given equal notoriety.
.......................But only mother's tears burn for Caroline.
"Now I realize"
Sometimes it seems so pointless, my head hits the wall,
No peace, or love, or understanding.
No reason for it all,
Fighting losing battles with people I cannot reach,
Realization of my future I cannot see.
Out in the dark there is only you.
Living on illusions, Can't face reality,
Knocking down the symptoms that create these fantasies,
Priorities of though struggle together in my mind,
My goal, my future, anarchy, discovery takes time.
Out in the dark there is only you.
People seem so distant when I've held them by the hand,
Expressions contradict their thoughts,
Can't seem to understand,
Hope held for the future lifts me high above their though,
Realization of my freedom, a freedom that can't be bought.
Out in the dark there is only you.
Sometimes it seems so pointless, my head hits of a wall,
No peace, or love, or understanding,
No reason for it all,
Fighting losing battles with people I cannot reach,
Realization of my future, a future I cannot see.
Out in the dark there is only you.
In Nomine Patri(Pretty much sums up early Alternative)
If they Treat you like Shit, Act like Manure(Mid-stage Alternative)
Live at Haddon Hall Leeds 7-24-84
Live at the Vaux Hall 1984
How Dare you 1985(final Stage of Alternative)
Get Away From It All With The Army tape Demo 1986
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